Living Gluten Free: A Complete Guide to Thriving Beyond the Diet

Have you noticed that living gluten free has changed your life in surprising ways beyond just your diet? From socializing and travel, to how you think about wellness, skin care and even the books you read.

For the 1 in 100 people living with celiac disease and the estimated 6% with gluten sensitivity, going gluten-free isn't just a diet—it's a complete lifestyle transformation that touches every aspect of daily life.

Living Gluten Free - seaside scene with text

Table of Contents:
- Understanding Your New Lifestyle
- Creating Your Food Philosophy
- Beyond the Kitchen
- Mental Health and Mindset
- Essential Resources
- Community Connection

Understanding Your New Lifestyle

The moment you receive that celiac diagnosis, or discover your gluten sensitivity everything changes doesn't it?

Living gluten free changes the way you think about what goes into your body.  You may find yourself trying to make simpler, healthier choices.  Maybe you're spending more time in the organic section of the supermarket or at the health food store?

Have the things you’re interested in changed? The books and articles you read? The people you interact with on social media? Conversations around the dinner table?

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate these changes with confidence.

Creating Your Food Philosophy

Have you noticed that going gluten-free has sparked deeper questions about your relationship with food? You're not alone. Many people find that eliminating gluten becomes a gateway to more mindful eating and healthier choices.

Developing a personal food philosophy isn't just about following rules—it's about creating a sustainable approach that works for your life. 

Your Personal "Living Gluten Free" Framework 

This may all seem unnecessarily deep but giving thought upfront to what's important to you will help you make decisions later on.

Here are three simple steps to get you started:

1. Define your priorities (health, convenience, budget)
2. Identify your non-negotiables
3. Create practical strategies that fit your lifestyle

My own food philosophy is built on three principles:
Natural is best (Prioritize real, whole, naturally gluten free foods) 
Balance is essential (Have some gluten-free treats. Being too strict takes the joy out of life) 
Simplicity is the foundation (Simple, healthy meals save time, money and make me feel good)

You'll see this philosophy woven into my tagline "Living gluten free, simply and naturally" and into every page on this website.  

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How Your Framework Can Simplify Your Life

The reason a “food philosophy” is important is that it will inform the way you approach your gluten-free lifestyle. There are many options, and you’ll need to decide what works for you and your family.  For example:

  • Some people banish gluten entirely from their homes.
  • Others try to cause as little disruption to the rest of the family as possible.
  • Some people buy everything they can find with “gluten-free” on the label.
  • Others try to avoid food with labels in favor of whole foods and cooking from scratch.

The beauty of having your priorities straight is that it’s easier to take a balanced approach and still remain safe.  Here's how it has worked in our home.

  • Most of the food in our house is naturally gluten-free whole foods which are safe, healthy and delicious for everyone.
  • Much of our socializing is done at home. When we have friends over for dinner, which we do often, most of the meal is gluten-free and everyone enjoys the same food.
  • When we eat away from home, I don't lament the lack of choice, I focus on the people I'm spending time with.

Beyond The Kitchen

Do you feel like you’re a little bit obsessed with food? I do.

Of course living gluten free means starting and staying on a gluten-free diet, so it’s unavoidably about food. But a gluten-free lifestyle and the affects of celiac disease go well beyond our bellies and beyond the food we eat.  From skincare products to medications, and from reproductive health to emotional wellbeing, understanding these connections is crucial for optimal health.

Natural Wellness Solutions

For me, part of living gluten free naturally has involved exploring natural remedies. Although science and modern medicine are essential, traditional wellness practices can offer valuable support. 

Click on the images or the blue text for full articles on each topic.

Discover how this ancient remedy might support digestive health

Evidence-based natural supports for celiac symptoms

Your complete guide to safe products and natural alternatives

Pros and Cons of going through the "gluten challenge"

How celiac disease affects reproductive health.  

Mental Health and State of Mind

Are you a cup-half-full, or a cup-half empty person?

Receiving that celiac diagnosis, or the knowledge of gluten sensitivity can be quite a blow.  Chances are it will throw you for a loop and it might take you a little time to get back on your feet.  That's okay, and perfectly understandable.

Living with Celiac: The Emotional Journey 

The psychological impact of a celiac diagnosis often goes unaddressed, yet it's a crucial part of the gluten-free lifestyle. From navigating social situations to managing anxiety about cross-contamination, the emotional aspects can be challenging.

Did you know? Studies show that people with celiac disease have higher rates of anxiety and depression, particularly in the first year after diagnosis. However, these rates typically improve significantly with proper support and lifestyle management.

Common Emotional Challenges

• Fear of cross-contamination
• Social isolation
• Restaurant anxiety
• Family adjustment struggles
• Identity shifts

Building Resilience: What Kind of World Do You Want to Live In?

Consider this:

Albert Einstein famously said that the most important decision we make every day is whether we live in a friendly universe or a hostile one.1

Isn’t that crazy? I mean in a good way. We get to decide!

We can focus on the bad news that crosses our screens or the sharp word someone spoke to us, or we can notice how much we have to be grateful for:

  • The sun rises every day.
  • We have roofs over our heads and food in our cupboards.
  • We have family and friends to share our time with and the beauty of nature to explore. 
  • And we have a disease that is managed by diet. No drugs, no chemotherapy, no surgery.

Your mindset plays a crucial role in how you experience this journey. As Einstein wisely noted, we can choose to see the universe—and our circumstances—as either friendly or hostile. This choice profoundly affects our daily experience with celiac disease.

Rather than viewing yourself as a victim, consider yourself an advocate for your own health. These perspective-shifting articles can help:

Click on the images or the blue text for full articles on each topic.

Transform your perspective from victim to victor

Where is the line between funny and harmful?

Finding joy beyond food and food restrictions.

Essential Resources

I’ve been living gluten free for a long time and I’ve done a lot of reading and a lot of research.

I have lots of celiac resources to share, but it doesn't stop there.  In this section I share my own resources about:

  • Cooking - you'll find reviews of my favorite cookbooks
  • The food industry
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Different dietary need and choices

I write reviews of the books I read and share them with you so that you can decide if you would like to read them for yourself.

Every Sunday on my Facebook page I do a “Grab and Good Book” feature and highlight one of the books on my list.

Separating Fact From Fiction

Misinformation about gluten and celiac disease is widespread online. My carefully researched articles with sources help you navigate the noise.

Join me as I share my own experiences and my curated book list to help you separate fact from fiction:.

Click on the images or the blue text for full articles on each topic.

Looking for your next great read?  Check out my book reviews and recommendations.

How to think about online communities and avoid mis-information.

Evidence based facts with sources.  Finally you'll know the truth.

I used ChatGPT to help me understand my symptoms and prepare me for my doctor's visit.

Community Connection

I and the rest of the Naturally Gluten-Free community would love to hear from you.  Share gluten-free lifestyle tips, recipes, and experiences at our Naturally Gluten-Free Facebook Group.

Remember: Your gluten-free journey is unique to you. While the path might seem challenging at first, with the right tools, knowledge, and support, you can create a fulfilling and healthy gluten-free lifestyle.

Talk to you soon.

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1. Sussex Publishers. (n.d.). Is the universe friendly? you decide! Psychology Today. Retrieved September 4, 2022, from