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NGF Digest 001: New Recipes, Science News and Introducing NGF Pinterest. November 10, 2021 |
HiWelcome to November, AND welcome to the inaugural issue of Naturally Gluten-Free Digest!I really hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it for you, and that you find it valuable. Go ahead and pass this along if you know someone who would benefit from great info on living gluten-free and some of my best recipes. I’ve been making pizza this month and I don’t want you to miss out on the goodness.![]() Reheating Gluten-Free PizzaHard to imagine that there would be any left over, but it happens. Of course, you can reheat pizza in the microwave if you’re in a hurry, but I prefer real heat to enjoy my gluten-free pizza leftovers. If you have time, preheat the oven with the pizza stone in there and slide your gf pizza onto the hot stone, or if you have a toaster oven, it’s the perfect pizza re-heater. Have you invested in an air fryer? Samantha at Everyday Family Cooking says to preheat your air fryer to 350°F (325 if your pizza is very thin). Place your pizza into the basket and cook for 3 – 4 min. Check on it and give it another 1-2 min if needed.Naturally Gluten Free is on Pinterest![]() News From the Scientific CommunityA pill for Celiac Disease? Could it be true. I’ve had so many people ask me “Can’t you just take a pill for that?” I admit I’ve had to resist the eye roll. Check out this MEDPAGE TODAY article for the details. There was a phase II, double blind randomized proof of concept trial in Germany to test a transglutaminase 2 inhibitor. The results look positive, and the plan is to move forward with clinical trials. Right now, it’s not expected that this will allow Celiacs to consume gluten, but that it will be very helpful for people who continue to have symptoms (refractory celiac disease) while on a gluten-free diet.What I’m reading![]() Next on the library shelf, I’ve just started reading Food, Genes and Culture: Eating Right for Your Origins by Gar Paul Nabhan. He goes deeper into the notion of how the foods our ancestors ate interacted with their DNA and how ignoring that may be contributing to 21st century disease. I’ll let you know if I recommend this one in the next newsletter. That’s all for this month.I’d love to hear from you. Let me know what you’d like to see in the newsletter. Just drop me a line from my Contact Page .
![]() In the meantime, you can follow me on Facebook at NGF_facebook Or on Pinterest at NGF-Pinterest If you've received this from a friend, welcome! To learn more about me and my work click this link to my about Patty Maguire page . From there, feel free to peruse the site, then if you're interested you can sign up to received my newsletter every month. I respect your privacy! I won't use your email for anything other than to send you my newsletter. |
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